Fatal worldviews are constantly trying to negatively influence Christians' thinking.
But take heart - the battle of ideas is already won!
With so many competing worldviews masquerading as truth in the world today, everyone can strengthen their belief system. Ideas are like viruses, and no one is immune to the battle of ideas that rages around us. This is why we at Summit Ministries have prepared the following resources so that you may grow in a deeper understanding of what these worldviews are and how they attempt to take your thinking captive.
New Spirituality
61% of practicing Christians are influenced by ideas rooted in New Spirituality
With new spirituality, at the core of reality is a higher consciousness, a force some people call “god.” Spirituality isn’t just a thing; it is the only thing. New spirituality recommends spiritual practices that make people feel at one with the universe.
The Christian worldview says there is only one God and this one God has created all that is around us for us to enjoy and experience. Our life on earth is far more than an illusion, it is a very real, very beautiful creation by God.
The Christian worldview says there is only one God and this one God has created all that is around us for us to enjoy and experience. Our life on earth is far more than an illusion, it is a very real, very beautiful creation by God.
Learn more about New Spirituality and how to counter it
54% of practicing Christians resonate with ideas from Postmodernism
According to this worldview, ultimate truth cannot be known to exist; there are only truths that we create for ourselves. We need to be investing our time uncovering the ways religious and scientific people try to trick us into thinking they’re right.
The Christian worldview says that we can in fact know truth, meaning, and knowledge all provided through the scriptures and divinely defined by God. Our life has meaning given by our Creator.
The Christian worldview says that we can in fact know truth, meaning, and knowledge all provided through the scriptures and divinely defined by God. Our life has meaning given by our Creator.
Learn more about Postmodernism and how to counter it
29% of practicing Christians believe ideas based on Secularism
Secularism says we can use our intelligence to harness evolution and make life turn out the way we want. Secularists don’t ask what God wants or what history requires of us, but instead what we think best serves us during our lifetimes.
The Christian worldview says that man is fallen and therefore cannot be the ultimate giver of moral law and truth. We need a God to fill the void left by our broken and sinful nature.
The Christian worldview says that man is fallen and therefore cannot be the ultimate giver of moral law and truth. We need a God to fill the void left by our broken and sinful nature.
Learn more about Secularism and how to counter it
36% of practicing Christians accept ideas associated with Marxism
Karl Marx proposed that the working class’s wretched condition was due to exploitation by the rich. Marxism demands a forcible overthrow of all existing social structures: government, the economy, religion, and family.
The Christian worldview responds in saying that humans were created for freedom. The freedom to make their own monetary and societal choices. By taking away this fundamental right, humans only become less motivated and impoverished.
The Christian worldview responds in saying that humans were created for freedom. The freedom to make their own monetary and societal choices. By taking away this fundamental right, humans only become less motivated and impoverished.
Learn more about Marxism and how to counter it
38% of practicing Christians are sympathetic to the teachings of Islam
Muhammad claimed that an angel revealed humanity’s need to unite around sincere worship of one God: Allah, in Arabic. Considering itself to be the one true religion, Islam teaches that we all are born Muslim. Disbelief must be conquered through jihad.
The Christian worldview says that God is more than a conquering figure that demands obedience. We can have a personal relationship with God, through Jesus. This provides a hope and assurance unlike any other.
The Christian worldview says that God is more than a conquering figure that demands obedience. We can have a personal relationship with God, through Jesus. This provides a hope and assurance unlike any other.
Learn more about Islam and how to counter it
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus
Nabeel Qureshi |
The Secret Battle of Ideas about God: Overcoming the Outbreak of Five Fatal Worldviews
by Jeff Myers As Christians ask six major questions and how each worldview answers that question, they'll be able to defend their faith with a solid understanding of what they believe and why they believe it. Christians will build up an immunity to dangerous ideas about God that come from secularism, Marxism, Islam, new spirituality, and postmodernism.